Wednesday, April 6, 2011


We grew up in an average home. I have an older brother and two younger brothers. We didn't always have what we wanted, but we had what we needed. We were blessed to have both parents for a long, long, time. Actually, I was very bashful growing up. Everyone was always trying to help me "come out of my shell". I remember hiding behind Mom's skirt when company came to the door. I was so bashful! The owner of our local grocery store, "Rosie's Market", would always offer me a beautiful doll if I would only tell him a story. These dolls had beautiful hair and dresses, the most beautiful doll I had ever seen. They were lined up on the top shelf. I would always stop and stare and wish. Donna could have cared less. I wanted to say something so badly, but I just couldn't. Donna was always hollerin'at me..."Tell him The Three Bears, Tell him The Three Bears"! She even offered, but he wouldn't let her. Eventually, I did come out of my shell. Now I talk too much.

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