Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten.

First Day of Kindergarten
Donna on the left; me on the right.
Don't you just love the sidewalks?

We always walked to school. Yes, we did! We were wearing red jumpers and white sweaters. Whatever happened to clothes like that?

Everyone is always concerned about whether or not twins become dependent on one another. Donna and I were not that type of twins. We could have cared less! I think identical twins fall into that category more than fraternal twins do. We never experienced that feeling of "oneness" that some twins do, but we were still very close. I never felt her pain and I know she never felt mine. That's what makes our school years so interesting. I was always being scolded for the trouble Donna got into. Everyone was so afraid that we would become completely dependent on one another that they separated us in kindergarten. I still remember that first day; I cried all day long. No one could console me at all. There were two kindergarten classrooms and the way they were set up you could see into the other classroom. I remembering looking up and seeing Donna "escaping" out the front door. She didn't even try to "spring" me, can you believe it? The teachers eventually caught her. I don't believe she fared much better, although she probably wouldn't admit it. I can hear her now " I just wanted to go home!" My tears didn't fall because Donna and I weren't together, they came from typical first day of school blues. I eventually enjoyed kindergarten, Donna, however, never did become a big fan of school. In the classroom, there was this huge playhouse. I had never seen anything like it before. I absolutely loved it. Isn't it remarkable what our memory retains. I can remember that playhouse just like it was yesterday. The teachers found out that whether we were together or not, it didn't matter. So naturally we spent our early elementary school years together.

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