Friday, April 8, 2011

"Good Morning, Merry Sunshine"

"Our Song"

Being bashful, it was surprising that I would be in a school program, but I was. We both were. My role was to sing this little song to the "Sun". Donna's role was to be, you guessed it, the "Sun", and sing back to me. I'm sure she sang with a snarl. As you can see, I still have my script. Donna most likely threw hers away that same night.I believe we were probably in the 1st grade, approx. 1965. We both got to wear these beautiful long dresses. Mine was pink and Donna's was yellow.  I love it, she hated it, but we were "twins" and our teacher thought we would be so cute. I also carried a doll and Donna held a big "Sun". Mom made us practice that song everyday. We sang it so much that I am sure we could sing now if we wanted too. We don't.  Well actually, I am humming it.  Everyone was so concerned that I might not sing and concerned  that Donna might sing a different tune, or something worse, she might "punch out" the Sun.  The big night came and it was showtime; Mom kept reminding us to "be good" and sing loud and clear, and to please, please sing. I was ready, Donna was ready. I was caressing my doll and Donna was "spinning" her Sun. Then it happened, I sang like a canary or a screeching owl, depending on your point of view, and Donna froze like an iceberg. I believe it was "I" who had to throw her a line. When she began, out came her merry song, Of course, her "Sun" was upside down. I don't think she ever "starred" in another play. And the Oscar didn't go to...   


  1. Mom has a very different recollection of this story. She says YOU froze and SHE had to coax you to sing. HMMM. I think she's trying to cover up the fact that she was afraid for once in her life, don't you?!

  2. I knew I would get her on this one. Because of my bashfulness, I remember this well. SHE froze and has blocked it from her memory. Come on Donna, let me have my shining moment. 'kay!
