Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Friend

Debbie & "Panky"
Notice my "purse" and my long hair!

This was one of my very best friends at school. Her name is Panky. Whenever I hear that old song "Hanky Panky" by Tommy Roe, I think of her. I will tell you that the name of our school in Dayton was "Weaver Elementary", I think it is closed now. We were attending an afternoon "fair". I remember my purse was red, and my outfit tan. You can't see us, but Donna had the same outfit. Mom gave us both a pretty purse. Now that I think about it, I don't recall Donna ever carrying hers. She probably threw it away somewhere. I loved the pretty things and Donna loved the boyish things. She would NEVER play dolls with me, and I couldn't throw, catch or kick a ball good enough to suit her, but we still played together. How different can two twins be? I don't think she carries a purse today, or at least I have never see it.


  1. Beautiful design! It seems perfect for your theme!

  2. A couple of my friends from highschool are twin sisters. They have always been close but their personalities are so differnet! I also knew a couple twin bothers and went out with one of them. The entire evening I thought I was out with David and I discovered at the end of the night it was Denise! Talk about embarassed. Needless to say, he never asked me out again!

  3. My mother's a twin, my brother has twins, my sister has twins, I have 1 set of first cousin twins and i have 3 first cousins that have twins.. genetically ridiculous!
