Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Sam's Garage"

Sittin' on the porch in 1964.

We played outside alot! There were no such things as video games, and no computers. We didn't have a television for along time. When Mom told us to "play outside", we did or we did chores. At this time, we lived in what was considered a "rough" part of town. The 1960's and Civil Rights. It didn't seem that way to us. One of our neighbors ran a garage next door. His name was "Sam". "Sam's Garage". He loved all the neighborhood kids and we loved him. We played over there all the time. In mid afternoon, he would treat us to kool-aid and cookies. That was a treat to us, because we simply did not have things like that. We would all gather at Sam's garage and have fun. He let us help him. In the winter, he would have peanuts roasting on his old "pot belly" stove. I can smell them now. Ummm! He was so wonderful to us.

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