Monday, April 4, 2011

Two Alike.

I am on the left and Donna is on the right.
Angels? I think not!
Everyone is always so surprised when someone tells that they have a twin. Twins are so cute, cuddly, and adorable. We are supposed to look alike, act alike, and dress alike. Hah! Let me tell you about my twin. My twin is a sister. We were born in March of 1959 in Dayton, Ohio. My name is Debbie and hers is Donna. She was named Donna because my Mother said she looked just like my Dad. His name was Donald, Mom's was Marjorie. Both are gone now. My Mother said that the name Debbie just kind of rhymed with Donna. Debbie and Donna, how cute! I should have gotten the hint then, but being an infant...I didn't have a clue of what was to come.  We are definitely fraternal twins. The "only" thing the same about us is that we were born on the same day. Donna has always been more of a "tomboy" to my being more of a "girlie" girl. I still hear here hollerin' at me to "quit being such a girl". She really hated the girl thing. Still does! She loved sports of all kinds. I loved dolls of all kinds. She was smart in school. I struggled to get good grades. She was rebellious. I followed the rules. She was always in trouble, and I was always the good one. How many believes that? Well, it's true. We had very different likes and dislikes; however, we seemed to always get along. As far as I know, there were no other twins in our family tree. I want this blog to be a record of our journey together, a legacy to our children, and hopefully a payback. Can you see me smile? 

1 comment:

  1. It has been awhile since I have visited this site. After reading this post, it makes me truly appreciate my sister and her uniqueness.
