Thursday, April 7, 2011

Random Thoughts!

There are so many memories of our growing up together it is hard to record them all. When I start thinking about those times, my mind just races. I want to write everything. It is true when we say that "those were the best times" even though we didn't think so at the time. I am remembering things that I have thought of in years. In that same Dayton neighborhood, Donna "got a job" watering one of our neighbors Roses. Donna let me go with her. I remember this Rose garden as being enchanting, with all colors of roses and a wrought iron chairs to sit on. Donna even let me help. We were sometimes treated to lemonade and cookies. What a treat!
We had to walk to school too! I remember it being a long walk, but I know it probably wasn't that far. We actually got to come home for lunch too. Mom was always there. Donna "ran" all the way. I never could keep up with her. Still can't, of course now I don't want to. Oh, a random memory is returning. Donna and I both had a tricycle. Donna's just flew. Mine was slow, so I talked her into "trading" tricycles with me because I was convinced her tricycle was faster than mine. Can you believe that? Donna finally agreed to trade. She hopped on mine and "flew". It didn't take me too long to figure out that it wasn't the tricycle. I begged her to trade back, after all my tricycle was in better condition than hers. She did, and she has been a step ahead of me ever since!

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